Summary of Interreg Nord 2014-2020

Interreg V A Nord is a EU-program supporting cross-border cooperation in order to strengthen the economic and social development. Areas included in the program are north Norway, north Finland, north Sweden and Sápmi (which spreads over all three countries).

The overall goal for the current program is to strengthen the competitiveness and attractiveness of the program area. To accomplish this, the region needs to be developed in an economic, social and environmental sustainable way. It is desirable that the cross-border cooperation takes place between all three countries, Norway, Sweden and Finland, as far as possible, and that they aim to identify common challenges and opportunities.

Borderless opportunities

The Interreg Nord program is divided into two sub areas – Nord and Sápmi. Both areas have common priorities and goals, but Sámpi has own goals as well. The program has identified four priority areas:

  • Research and innovation
    • The overall aims of performance are to increase the amount of actors with innovation activities in the region, as well as approved applications to European innovation and research programs.
  • Entrepreneurship
    • The overall aims of performance are to increase the share of SMEs with cross-border business cooperation and export.
  • Culture and environment
    • The overall aims of performance are to increase awareness of the region’s culture, a preserved status of the natural environments, and to increase the awareness of circular economy.
  • Common labor market
    • The overall aims of performance are to increase cross-border labor mobility and to establish more training efforts for Sami industry.

The program has also identified seven focus areas important for the development of the region.

The region differs from other European regions due to its Arctic features with cold climate, polar nights, vast natural areas, and abundance of natural resources. The program thus sets out from the challenges and opportunities this entail. In addition, the region holds the only indigenous people of the European Union, the Sami people. Through the program the Sami actors gets opportunities to solve their common challenges.


Project portfolio version 28.02.2022