Eco-efficient concreting for the arctic region

University of Oulu, Luleå University of Technology and SINTEF Narvik has worked cross borders in the Interreg Nord project ARCTIC-ecocrete with improving the sustainability of the arctic concreting and to develop innovative solutions to improve economic growth in the arctic region.

The project has successfully developed environmental-friendly cement and concrete recipes for subzero concreting. They have demonstrated a hydronic heating system, which is more environmental-friendly than conventional heating systems, on two different sites. A prototype for winter concrete bucket for helicopter was developed for testing purposes.

Helicopter bucket test rig

Project manager Katja Ohenoja from University of Oulu says: “We have built a strong consortium that shares knowledge, co-operates actively and wants to apply for new projects. We have gained lots of new company contacts from all three countries and shared our results with them. We will continue our research, and we are planning to apply for new project funding from the Interreg Aurora programme”.

The added value of the cross-border cooperation is all the shared knowledge, information and results between the project partners and also with companies. Partners from N3C (Norwegian Cold Concrete Cluster) are interested in increasing their marked delivering solutions internationally and in the program area. Some of the partners in N3C showed interest in utilizing the waste materials as alternative binders or binder substitutes. Also, in Finland concrete industry has shown interests in utilizing waste materials more and more. During the project, results from UOULU and LTU were presented at a N3C-meeting. The project also organized an open webinar and there were many participants from N3C and Finnish Concrete association.

The ARCTIC-ecocrete team

Read more about the project and the results