NEW DATES! Interreg Aurora kick-off and celebration of Interreg Botnia-Atlantica and Interreg Nord

Due to the coronavirus situation we have taken the decision to set new dates for the Interreg Aurora kick-off and the Interreg Botnia-Atlantica and Interreg Nord celebration. Login to our digital kick-off for Interreg Aurora in March and after that we hope to meet you in Skellefteå in June, in better times.

New dates

March 24, 9-12 CET

Interreg Aurora kickoff

A digital conference

June 7-8

We celebrate the accomplishments of Interreg Botnia-Atlantica and Interreg Nord in Sara Kulturhus/Wood Hotel in Skellefteå. We will also organize partner search activities where you can meet up with old and new partners for future cross-border cooperation in Interreg Aurora.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the change of dates might have caused you. Separate invitations to the events will be sent out shortly.